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The Beginning of An Excellent Adventure

The feeling of the excitement, anticipation, fear, and uncertainty of starting a journey. A trip I had been thinking about for two years was actually happening.


That was me last May. How is it already a year ago???  In going back through my photos, there are stories/experiences to share that were only touched on briefly in the summary blog post I wrote last year.


Back to the beginning… Trip preparation was going well, things all falling into place, departure day was quickly approaching.

Of course, had a few hiccups in the two weeks leading up to departure day – plumbing issue at the house, followed by my car’s back bumper needing to be replaced after a pole in a parking lot jumped out at my car from nowhere. Stupid pole. I was on pins and needles with fingers crossed as the repair shop had to delay the repair a few days. Ended up picking up my car at 5:00 PM the night before departure day.  Phew!


Beautiful new bumper all ready to go! (I think my car forgave me)

Departure day! Roll out of bed after a night of not much sleep because road trip! Get the car packed and ready to go. Pick up my travel buddy Karen at the airport, then a quick lunch at my favorite cafe. I have to say, the trip got a little less scary when a navigator/co-pilot/travel assistant was added for the first phase of the trip. 


Windows down, music up!  There is only one song to play at the start of any trip, and I play it as I pull out of my driveway every road trip whether long or short.



I couldn’t think of a better place to start the trip than Winslow, AZ, spending the first night in a historic Route 66 hotel. This was my third trip to Winslow, and I love it there. Excellent drive cutting through the edge of a storm, bursts of rain, lots of wind. Windows down when it wasn’t raining so the cool air could blow through the car.


Arrived at the La Posada hotel in the late afternoon, with storms following us.  It’s listed as a historic location, is beautifully restored, and is a fun place to stay.


As the weather was threatening more rain, went to an early dinner at the Brown Mug Cafe which was highly recommended.  It’s a two-minute walk from La Posada, and is a great “hole in the wall” place that you would walk right past if you didn’t know better. Small and cozy, with good Mexican food and a welcoming staff, and fortunately we arrived just before the locals filled the place.

After dinner, it was back to the hotel for my favorite part of the evening.  Winslow is a railroad town, and La Posada is the last of the Fred Harvey hotels built for the Santa Fe Railway and originally opened in 1930. The train tracks run right behind the back patio area of the hotel and there is a passenger train stop for Amtrak. How fun is that! 

Sitting in my happy place - wind blowing, rain threatening, feeling the rumble of trains, the vibration, the rhythm, hearing the wheels on the track, watching as they go by.  Trains a mile long, who knows how many containers, many decorated with graffiti. Because of the proximity to the hotel, the trains slow down and there are no train whistles.  During the night you can feel/hear a soft rumble as they roll by.


Can you tell I like trains?? I could sit there for hours.


Next morning got up early and walked over to “The Corner” to take the required photo. Reviewed our breakfast options, and decided to get a good early start on the day and hit the road to see what other fun place we could find for food.

Hitting the road for real. Every emotion runs through - you are in your car and it’s happening – a little disbelief, excited & scared, confident & doubtful, supported & isolated.


Unsure what’s about to happen. Excited to see new places. Free to choose stops and length of stay. No hotel reservations, a few target locations marked on the map, wide open with adventurous curiosity. Have a final destination in North Carolina and target date to arrive to complete the first phase. Friends trapped in a car together for a week. I joked with Karen that there are airports in every major city we would be passing if she needed to “tap out.”


Giggling as I start the car, turn on “Take it Easy,” start singing along, and pull out of the parking lot to start the trip for real. Full tank of gas, music turned up, windows down, snack bag at the ready, let’s go!


My cockpit for the next 8 days.

On a journey like this, you know you will be different when you return, but have no idea how you will change over the course of the next few weeks. Here's to adventure!

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