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Fun Surprise in Gallup

Updated: Aug 10, 2024

While on my cross country road trip last year (May/June 2023), there were surprises along the way. Some I enjoyed, and others, well, I could do without. This one was an awesome experience.

Starting the final leg of my trip home, I got up and out early and spent the morning crossing 250 miles of New Mexico from Santa Rosa to Gallup. Yup, from one Route 66 town to another. Rolled into Gallup, enjoyed a great lunch, and started wandering around with my camera.

As this was late June, after a few hours of wandering I was hot, sweaty, thirsty, and ready to go find a hotel room. I started back to the parking lot where I had left my car. As I approached my car, I could hear some sort of presentation over a loudspeaker, and something about a show about to start. Turns out my car is in the parking lot adjacent to the Gallup Cultural Center. A small group had gathered outside, so I walked right past my car to see what was happening.

A few minutes later I was enthralled watching a Native American dance, completely forgetting about being hot, sweaty and thirsty, and the hotel room could wait.

The drum beat.... the chant.... the movements.... I was totally absorbed, and it took me a few minutes to remember I had my camera. Thankfully I still had some battery left and started clicking away trying to capture the feel of the experience.

The incredible performers:

Some of the spectators:

If you find yourself in Gallup, NM, stop by the Cultural Center. Take a few minutes to look around at the historical exhibits and chat with the friendly staff. Find out if something fun will be going on. If I hadn't gone back to my car when I did, I would have missed an incredible experience.

Enjoy the adventure!

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